The Prize:
Hold your fist-pumps of glee until the end, because I’m giving away an arsenal of equipment for this one…
A Mace. From Not sure how to use a mace? Check out the video on this page. I’m a big fan of incorporating maces into my workouts, and actually own a Stronger Grips mace. It’s tough and durable, and you can add weight to the hollow, sealed globe at the end to suit your strength level. Check out to view their wide selection of workout gear (including sledgehammers and clubs). And for those of you who aren’t into winning or buying stuff, the owner of Stronger Grip also runs a blog for folks who like to lift heavy things: Stronger Grip Blog.
(2) $100 Stronger Grip Vouchers. After all that browsing you just did over at Stronger Grip I’m sure you came up with at least a few things you’d like to add to your arsenal of Primal workout gear. $200 in Stronger Grip vouchers goes to the winner.
An aeroSling Elite. Looking for a way to take your bodyweight workouts to a new level? Look no further. I’ve had one of these for a year or so now and I’m always impressed by the quality of craftsmanship. It’s unlike any other suspended pulley trainers I’ve come across. This thing is durable and built to last. Just anchor the aeroSling Elite to a tree or doorway and get to work. The pulley system and adjustable rope length allow for a large variety of movements (rows, incline pushups, intense, feet-elevated planks and knee-ups, etc.), so it’s a great way to mix things up. Check out their YouTube channel to see it in action. Also, check out this page to learn how the aeroSling was invented. This package comes with a integrated door anchor, mesh carrying bag, and training DVD, and it’s all yours if you win this contest.
Bonus: Visit and use coupon code MDA2011CHL (it’s during checkout in the confirmation window) and you will get 15% off during this year’s 30-day challenge.
A CalChain. Last year, CalRopes donated a heavy undulation rope. The winner of this year’s contest gets a 28 lb CalChain. As CalRopes says, a CalChain is a mix between a kettlebell, a barbell and a dumbbell. What the heck are you suppose to do with it? How about push presses, the high pull and the halo. Not familiar with these? Check out the numerous training videos on this page for more info, and grab your own CalChain for a truly unique workout experience.
DIY PVC Clubs. Courtesy of DIYStrength (part of the same company that brought us the Ultimate Anchor below and Mace above), comes these DIY PVC clubs. DIYStrength is for people that like to design and build their own workout gear. You can make these PCV Clubs yourself, buy a set from the site, or get a free pair by winning this contest.
The Ultimate Anchor. As StrongerThanU says, “Since the dawn of resistance band and rope undulation training, man and womankind have struggled to find a place, object, or slow-moving animal upon which to anchor their equipment.” The Ultimate Anchor solves this problem. Check out the video on this page for a full tutorial on how it works.
Vibram FiveFingers. Why not? For good measure the winner of this contest will take home a pair of Vibram FiveFingers. If you’ve read Mark’s Daily Apple at all in the last few years, you probably know how much I love these things. The winner will get to choose their favorite men’s or women’s style and color.
That’s the package. A mace, $200 in vouchers to Stronger Grip, The Ultimate Anchor, DIY PVC Clubs, an aeroSling Elite, a CalChain and a pair of Vibram FiveFingers. The retail value on all this is, I don’t know, a lot. Now, how you can win this Primal prize package…
The Contest:
Create and upload a Primal workout video to YouTube. Whether you talk and offer instruction, or simply film yourself playing in the park or working out in the gym is up to you. I’ll leave it wide open. The only requirement is that the video relates in some way to the Primal Blueprint Fitness philosophy. The more Primal the better. (See the details and fine print below.)
To give you a little idea of the fun you can have with this one, a couple year’s ago people used toddlers for heavy lifting, recorded an entire day in the “Primal Life,” wrote their own Grok songs, created workouts for parents with no time, and ultimately, this was the winning video:
Last year we had some more great submissions (only 9 mind you, so participants had a good shot at winning):
And here is the winning video from 2010:
Details and Fine Print:
The video needs to be an original video made for the purposes of this contest. Please title the video “Primal Blueprint Fitness:” followed by your own sub-title (ex. Primal Blueprint Fitness: The Grok Shuffle).
Upload your video to YouTube and then email me the link.
Include the words “Workout Video Submission” in the subject line of your email. Otherwise, there’s a good chance I may completely miss your submission.
I’ll publish select videos on Mark’s Daily Apple at the end of the challenge.
The Deadline:
October 4, midnight, PST. Only one weekend and five days away. Get filming!
Who is Eligible:
Anyone in the world can enter, though some prizes will only be available to U.S. contestants. In the case of an international winner, substitute prizes of equal value will be shipped.
How A Winner Will Be Decided:
Video submissions will be posted next week. Myself and the Worker Bees will choose a list of finalists to be voted on by readers.
More Fine Print:
MDA reserves the right to publish (or not publish) and/or edit any submission.
To track all the contests visit the 2011 Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge Contest Page for daily updates.
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