With a name like Banana Split Oatmeal, you have to think … dessert. But you’d be wrong! This is yet another of many breakfast recipes from Metabolic Cooking. When I made this today, I nearly fell off my chair it was to tasty. I’ve had a few other anabolic type meals that are good but this takes the cake. Nothing should taste this good unless it’s laided with sugars and fats.
Let me remind you, I’m still around 9.90% body fat eating this stuff. Frankly, I’m getting leaner eating this stuff oddly enough because it fits the nutrient profiles I’ve setup for my meal plans.
At this point, I’ve gotten a few emails asking me… “Marc, why are you GIVING these away?”
My answer is simple..
First, you cannot legally copyright a recipe in the United State of America. You can copyright a secret ingredient, you can the exact wording but you can’t copyright a simple combination of foods. Putting a banana into oatmeal is not a copyrightable action. Loophole!
Second… because there’s about 200+ more of these in Metabolic Cooking! Why hide them? If I show you a few that are dropping me to my knees in awe, I can only hope you’ll catch onto my excitement and buy the book. There’s no point in telling you how great these are, I’d rather you make a few I find to be exceptional and then discover for yourself that cooking can be easy and fun and delicious!
As I promised a Twitter friend, I will keep this simple and get to the point.
Banana Split Oatmeal:
Makes 1 Serving
• ½ cup oatmeal (quick or rolled)
• 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
• ½ cup skim milk
• Pinch of Stevia
• 1 banana, sliced
• 4 big strawberries, sliced
• 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
• Water
1. In a big bowl, mix oatmeal with the milk and complete with water until it completely soaks the oatmeal.
2. Cook in a Microwave for about 1 minute – stir the mix , then microwave for another 1 minute.
3. Let the oatmeal cool down for about 3 minutes.
4. Add the chocolate protein powder, stir.
5. Stir in the banana and strawberry slices.
6. Top with the Greek yogurt and enjoy!
Quick Tip:
I used Vanilla flavored Greek yogurt. It probably added some additional flavoring. It wasn’t necessary for me to use any water. The oats soaked perfectly and the consistency seemed fine to me. If you want a bit more “liquid” or not as think, you may want to add in a little water.
Nutritional Facts:
(Per Serving)
• Calories: 334
• Protein: 37g
• Carbohydrates: 42g
• Fat: 2g
- Marc David
What’s Next?
Get this and a lot more breakfast, snack, sides, poultry, fish, red meat and vegetarian ideas from Metabolic Cooking. Click here to Grab the 7 Cooking Tips report and be prepared for the April 5th launch at half off.
Categories: Bodybuilding Recipes, Natural Bodybuilding
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