Top 10 Bodybuilding Nutrition Tips:
This is a guest article by: Skip La Cour
Author of Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition
The organizing principles of good nutrition that will take this area of your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level!
1. Place A High Priority On Eating:
You must place a very high priority on the way you eat if you want to take your physique to the next level. The way you eat is far more important than the way you train. You’re in the gym for about an hour a day. It’s what you do during those other 23 hours of the day that are going to make the biggest impact on your progress.
2. Burn More Calories:
You must burn more calories than you eat if you want to lose body fat. It doesn’t matter if almost all of the food you eat is good, healthy food, you must burn more than you eat or you’ll get fat.
3. Don’t Look For The “Perfect” Diet:
Stop looking for the “perfect” diet. Nothing worth having in life comes without some sacrifice. Eating the way you must to build the body you want will be no exception. In the long run, it’s the challenges that we face that makes what we have rewarding. How enjoyable would life be if everything was easy? When you start adhering to a particular eating regimen, anticipate the discipline, sacrifice, and discomfort that comes with the pursuit of any worthwhile goal.
4. Keep It Simple:
Keep your diet simple. That way, you’ll give yourself a better chance to follow through and ultimately achieve successful results. If you must make your diet more complex,
do so on the weekends only.
5. Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals:
Eat smaller, more frequent and well-balanced meals spaced evenly throughout the day. Your body will use the nutrients in your food more efficiently. You’ll build more muscle and prevent body fat this way.
6. Eat Pre-Workout:
If you want to make sure you preserve as much muscle mass as possible, you should start eating a small protein-based meal with high-gylcemic carbohydrates before every one of your weight training and cardiovascular training sessions.
7. Set A Time Limit:
Set a time limit for your workout. Your weight training sessions should last no longer than one hour. More isn’t better—not when it comes to bodybuilding and training.
8. Eat The Right Carbs:
Carbohydrates serve as an essential part in the muscle-building process. Instead of trying to eliminate carbohydrates altogether, you should make sure you are eating the right types of carbohydrates at the right times of day. High-glycemic carbohydrates (potatoes, simple sugars are best before and after your workouts; low-glycemic carbohydrates like vegetables are great throughout the rest of the day.
9. Be Patient:
If you are not getting the results you want with your diet, you’ll need to raise your standards. You either need to do a “little more of this” or a “little less of that.” You may also need to make these changes for a longer period of time.
10: Accept All Responsibility:
Don’t blame your diet when you aren’t getting the results you want. Take 100 percent responsibility for your success and failure. Just about any eating program can be effective—if you follow through on a consistent basis. If you aren’t getting the results you want, assume that the problem is in your approach.
About The Author:
Skip La Cour is a expert at getting people in the best shape of their lives through following simple, but proven methods for building muscle and burning fat.
He is one of the most successful Natural Bodybuilder’s of all time. He has won 15 bodybuilding competitions in his career. Including the National Drug Free Championships 6 times. At the peak of his competitive bodybuilding reign, he was the most recognized drug-free bodybuilder on the planet.
Skip has recently compiled his all time best bodybuilding nutrition tips & tricks into his brand new program: “Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition” which you can download right on his website www.SimpleBodybuildingNutrition.net
I’ve been a huge fan of Skip since I started working out and I’ve used his approach with my own bodybuilding programs. And I fully endorse Skip and his a href=”http://www.simplebodybuildingnutrition.net” title=”Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition” target=”_blank”>Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition System because I know you are going to absolutely love how easy it is to follow and how well it works.So if you are looking for a way to simplify your nutrition and maximize your results, just check out Skip’s Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition
System at: www.SimpleBodybuildingNutrition.net

The Best Workout For Building A BIG Muscular Chest!20 comments - add yoursWayland
September 21, 2011
#5 is incorrect. “You cannot “trick” the body into burning more or less calories by manipulating meal frequency.” – LeanGains.com, Author: Martin Berkhan based on studies that prove there is no overall difference in the thermic effect of food based on meal frequency. Our body makes use of nutrients when they are in our body, period. You don’t need a ‘constant supply’ to keep your body going. In fact, there are performance benefits up to about 60 hours when a person doesn’t eat. It’s the way our body evolved to allow us to survive by releasing adrenaline hormones which increase performance. You could actually train in a fasted state without worry of not having the energy to perform. Enough ranting. Educate yourselves, people.
Wayland(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
It’s not about burning calories, it’s about glycemic load and insulin response.
mpw(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
Martin who?
Mike(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
I don’t think so,
Imagine 2 people, both drinking 15 glasses each of water per day. First person drinks all 15 glasses immediately after waking up and second one drinking whenever he is thirsty throughout the day. The water 1st person drinks will be removed as urine within a few hours and his body will go into dehydrated state. while the second one’s body is hydrated all the time.
Second one make better result.
Same is the case of Food.
If one guy eat too much food all of a sudden, excess food will be stored as fat. And then his body goes to starvation mode when he dont build muscle. Effctively, he gain fat but doesent build muscle!
Vinayak Kaniyarakkal(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
All tips good and natural ..
Rajesh Sharma(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
#5 is incorrect.“You cannot “trick” the body into burning more or less calories by manipulating meal frequency.” – LeanGains.com, Author: Martin Berkhan based on studies that prove there is no overall difference in the thermic effect of food based on meal frequency.Our body makes use of nutrients when they are in our body, period.You don’t need a ‘constant supply’ to keep your body going.In fact, there are performance benefits up to about 60 hours when a person doesn’t eat.It’s the way our body evolved to allow us to survive by releasing adrenaline hormones which increase performance.You could actually train in a fasted state without worry of not having the energy to perform.Enough ranting.Educate yourselves, people.
You are absolutely right in that we Do NOT need to eat frequently. After all 99% of the population does NOT eat small frequent meals like bodybuilder’s do and they still survive and live normal lives.
However, when it comes to maximizing your lean muscle gains, burning bodyfat, and getting in your best shape eating smaller more frequent meals has been shown to work very well. In fact, virtually every successful bodybuilder follows this principle.
leehayward(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
Vinayak Kaniyarakkal:
Wayland,I don’t think so,
Imagine 2 people, both drinking 15 glasses each of water per day. First person drinks all 15 glasses immediately after waking up and second one drinking whenever he is thirsty throughout the day. The water 1st person drinks will be removed as urine within a few hours and his body will go into dehydrated state. while the second one’s body is hydrated all the time.Second one make better result.
Same is the case of Food.
If one guy eat too much food all of a sudden, excess food will be stored as fat. And then his body goes to starvation mode when he dont build muscle. Effctively, he gain fat but doesent build muscle!
I agree, it’s easier on the body to space out your food intake over several meals. If you sat down to the table and ate 3000 calories in a single meal you’d feel like crap. But if you spaced out those 3000 calories in 6 meals of 500 calories each you’d feel much better, have less stomach bloating, etc.
leehayward(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
Water does not need to be digested. You cannot compare food and water in this analogy.
Mark(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
Lee, previous comment went to the original poster…..
Mark(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
I think it said Martin Berkhan
Mark(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
Lee, maybe I am losing my ability to spot these things but does this guy, Skip, ever advocate taking steroids? I have said this before and I will say it again; I feel a little unhappy about taking dieting advice from people who may or may not use steroids. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against them. I would consider using them myself, I am 41 and could use a little testosterone boost myself. I do feel as though it’s falling into the whole bad side of this industry when non users are taking this advice as gospel, when being deprived of the whole truth. No offence meant by this post, I just feel the need to say this.
Mark(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
When he says eat pre workout how pre are we talking,I eat an hour b4 I workout is the ok or should I have something closer to working out?
Tam(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
what kind of pre workout food we talking here? a nice juicy lean steak with some potatoes and eggs? man i’m hungry now!!
Frank Zappa(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
Lee, maybe I am losing my ability to spot these things but does this guy, Skip, ever advocate taking steroids? I have said this before and I will say it again; I feel a little unhappy about taking dieting advice from people who may or may not use steroids.Don’t get me wrong, I am not against them.I would consider using them myself, I am 41 and could use a little testosterone boost myself.I do feel as though it’s falling into the whole bad side of this industry when non users are taking this advice as gospel, when being deprived of the whole truth. No offence meant by this post, I just feel the need to say this.
Skip La Cour is one of the most successful Natural Bodybuilder’s of all time. He has won the Natural Drug Tested National Championships 6 times.
In all he has won 15 natural bodybuilding competitions in his career. At the peak of his competitive bodybuilding reign, he was the most recognized drug-free bodybuilder on the planet. Back in the 1990's it was hard to pick up a muscle magazine and NOT see Skip in there somewhere.
leehayward(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
When he says eat pre workout how pre are we talking,I eat an hour b4 I workout is the ok or should I have something closer to working out?
Eating 1 hour prior to hitting the gym is good. This give the food a chance to get absorbed into your system and be used for fuel.
leehayward(Quote) (Reply)

September 21, 2011
Frank Zappa:
what kind of pre workout food we talking here? a nice juicy lean steak with some potatoes and eggs? man i’m hungry now!!
Ideally you want to keep your pre and post workout foods lean and easy to digest. Fatty foods like steak should not be eaten before training because it will sit in your belly more so.
I usually have a protein shake and a piece of fruit about 1 hour before hitting the gym. This gives you some fast digesting fuel to run on, but no so much that will bog you down and make you feel sluggish.
You can check out my video on the topic of pre and post workout nutrition at: http://youtu.be/g1pLnDpnnZY
leehayward(Quote) (Reply)

September 23, 2011
It’s not about digestion it’s about uninterrupted availability.
Pls read the last paragraph of original post.
Vinayak Kaniyarakkal(Quote) (Reply)

September 23, 2011
Vinayak Kaniyarakkal,
I agree
nki(Quote) (Reply)

September 24, 2011
Vinayak Kaniyarakkal:
Mark,It’s not about digestion it’s about uninterrupted availability.
Pls read the last paragraph of original post.
I didn’t say that it was about digestion. I said that it was incorrect to compare the intake of water to the intake of food. I agree with the regular eating as opposed to large meals, mostly for the reasons that Lee states. It’s far to complex a subject to cover here, which is why I didn’t attempt to do it. Just saying to eat 6 times a day is not even the tip of the iceberg of information, therefore making it incomplete and misguiding. Digestion is important in for various reasons. How long it takes a meal to digest does determine how long energy is available for throughout the day. A meal higher in fibre and fat will take longer to digest. As I say, too complex a subject for here.
Mark(Quote) (Reply)

September 25, 2011
Yeah I agree that to compare with water is not a complete explanation. I only meant that its good if nutrients from food is available for body almost all the time and its just like water being available all the time.
Taking digestion into account make it very complicated and much more effective. For example eating slow digesting things like casein protein at night b4 sleep and having fast digesting simple sugars for post workout is good for maximum muscle gain.
Vinayak(Quote) (Reply)
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